Siebeneck & Triangel, Kiel

Siebeneck & Triangel Lorentzendamm 6-8, 24103 Kiel, Kiel, Kiel, Germany

Doors open at 18:00I will be playing at 18:30Afterwards there is an Open Stage


Kölibri Küchenkonzert, Hamburg

GWA St. Pauli e.V. Hein-Köllisch-Platz 11, 20359 Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Doors open at 19:30Music & foodFree entry, a hat is passed around afterwards for donation


StuStaCulum Festival, Munich

StuStaCulum Festival Hans-Leipelt-Straße 7, München, Bayern, Germany

I play at the Dada Café stage


Kieler Woche, Kiel

Kieler Woche Secret Stage Kiellinie, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

I play at the Secret Stage at an open air concert
